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One of the most common questions I get from clients is where to spend their marketing money.  “should I buy instagram ads or yelp ads? put an ad in the local newspaper or buy space in this local circular?”

It’s not giving an answer that’s the problem.  It’s that it’s the wrong question. Instead, frame the question as “Where are my people (customers), what are they doing, and how/why are they thinking about my product?”

Then, spend your money giving them what they want and need where they are.

Perhaps you’ll find that the best place to invest your marketing budget is in a great referral program, or gifts for your top clients, or perhaps in events that bring them together with other people or resources that matter to them.

Maybe google or facebook or yelp ads are also a part of the right strategy, but if you don’t have any tracking pixels on your site, how will you know which clients come from where?  SEO might help you, but if you already have fantastic organic search results, do you really need to invest a few thousand there?

Infusing your business with love means taking the time to think about who you want to reach with your business and meeting them where they are in their journey instead of focusing on what you want, hope to achieve, or have been dazzled by in a sales pitch.

I help clients work through this process so they can stop wasting money and start finding excited new customers with every marketing dollar they spend.

Schedule a call with me to see how I can help you infuse love into your business.