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A love-infused business knows the power of storytelling in every aspect of their operations.

They also understand that the story comes from the data they use to tell it.

If you aren’t keeping good data in your business, you may have a hard time finding the right stories to draw your clients or employees in.

When the story you tell in your business reflects the data, the result is authenticity clients can feel.

My favorite part of a client journey is when I’ve pulled their data together and they finally see the story in hard numbers.

A businesses’ flow and strategy (operations) are reliant on good data and great ones also produce valuable data and stories for the future.

It’s almost always better than they thought (because I work with awesome people who are brilliant at what they do) and it makes the story suddenly easy to tell.

Story is how we connect with one another, but people can see a fairytale a mile off.

To be vulnerable, as Brene Brown would recommend, we have to be willing to look at the real truth and deal with whatever it may show.

No matter what it shows, it doesn’t affect your worth and your story is phenomenal simply because you are.  💚

If you need help finding the data to inform your decisions and help you tell your stories, book a call with me today.