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Working with Family

Thank you so much for visiting!  

Hopefully, it’s because you saw one of my videos about working with family and you want to tell me your thoughts! 

If you currently work with one or more family members, you have in the past, or you’re thinking about it in the future, I want to talk to you!  ​

You have options about how we can connect.​

Option 1 – I created an online form with all the questions I want to ask you about your experience. Click Here or the button below to go there instantly and answer as many or few questions as you like.  You’ll be given an opportunity there to tell me how much more you’d like to interact with the team and me.

Option 2 – Jump on my calendar now for a Zoom interview. I love connecting, so I would enjoy asking you the questions directly and getting a more personal feel for your thoughts. Click Here or the button below to schedule. I’ll send you the questions prior to our meeting so you can prepare.​

Option 3 – Maybe you have even more you’d like to talk about? Working with family is one of my topics, but there are so many amazing people in my network that I would love to talk with about a number of different things.  If you’re pretty sure that’s you, scroll to the bottom of this page and fill out the information there so I can get in touch! I’m excited to chat.

For the official record: Your privacy is ALWAYS safe with me and you will never be recorded or otherwise documented outside your express consent.

Why Your Feelings Matter in Business

Why Your Feelings Matter in Business

As service providers, we’ve all heard the saying “the customer is always right”.  And we know 100% that’s not true.  If we’re honest with our self, it seems there are tons of times when the customer is wrong.

So, why does that saying even exist?

As business owners, we know it exists because the point is that we should bend and mold to the will and desire of the people who will give us money for our service if we want to stay in business.

And that is true, to an extent.

But at what cost? To whom?

A Case Study in Letting the Customer be Right.

Check out these two very similar, yet quite different drive-thru burger joints:

In-N-Out Burger pays their frontline employees $2/hr more than minimum wage AND gives great benefits to part-time employees.  Their store managers are only hired from within and average $160K/yr.

McDonalds is trying to replace people with kiosks where orders can just be punched in by the customers and no human interaction is needed at all. They already have machines doing as much of the burger creation process as they can, with more to come, I’m sure.

A lot about the rest of those two companies is exactly the same – the menu (although the ingredients are arguably of different quality), the area of origin, the drive through model, etc.

But, how do you FEEL about each of them?  Do either of them evoke feelings in you of things like comfort or efficiency or quality of life?

What about when you are a customer at each? Does the experience feel different? The vibe? The way the employees interact with you?

I know my answers to these, but I’d love to hear your thoughts, so leave them below.

In the meantime, I want to dig into why I think the key to this difference is due to something I like to call tapping into “Self”, one of the 10 Hart Habits™️ I teach my clients to use in their businesses.

Tapping into “Self” is one of the most crucial, but underrated and overlooked parts of running a business.  People feel selfish even talking about it sometimes.

It seems like the opposite would be true as so many businesses are started as a result of people simply doing what they do, but in fact, that’s exactly the reason it is.

Have you ever found yourself at a place in life where you look back and wonder how so many years have passed with you doing the thing you are currently doing?  That can feel like a blessing or a curse – like either time flew because you were having fun OR you’ve lost all these years building something that failed/you don’t like/feels overwhelming/hasn’t turned out like you expected/etc.

Sometimes, it happens because we get into routines that work for us.  Jobs that pay the bills and allow us to live the life we want to. Relationships that meet most of our needs so we don’t want to rock the boat. Businesses that we operate because they fell into our laps or signify what we were “supposed” to do and since we did pretty well with it, we kept up at it.

But, the world around us changes all the time and your routines are GOING to change.  There will come a day when those things that kept you moving forward will fall away and you’ll be left with only you.

You alone will have to choose your own adventure and make the decisions about what direction you’ll go when that happens and you alone will be responsible for where those choices take you.

I recently read a book by Brené Brown called Daring Greatly.

One of the conclusions I drew from the book was that the most important thing I can do as a mother to my child is teach her that she is worthy of love.

Everything else stems from that and will give her the perseverance, resilience, and grit she needs to succeed. And I fully believe that.

Reading her book felt like I was reading the material from The Hart Habits™️, but in a much more sciency way (which I geek out on, of course).

So, think of tapping into Self as that intentional activity of learning more about who you are, independent of any judgements about it and communicating with each part of yourself (and your inner child) that you are worthy of love.

Your ideas, your desires, your wishes, your fears, your differences, your similarities.. It is all valid and it’s all worthy of love.  But the world isn’t going to just freely give that love.

YOU must believe it’s worth and give that love freely to yourself first and then, the world can join in.

But, that sounds all woo-woo…. what does it even mean to love yourself first?

I have some specific tools I guide my clients through, but an important first step of the process is to consciously release your judgements of yourself about how you feel, who you are, what you like and don’t like, and what “floats your boat” so to speak.*

No matter what, you are good.

You are a rare, one of a kind gift to the world and releasing your most authentic self is the key to seeing it blossom.

Now, our ensuing behaviors can certainly be bad, good, and otherwise, but the message is that at your core – your passions, desires, likes/dislikes, etc are what make you the magical creature you really are. Embrace your light and your shadow.

But how does this pertain to your business?

Well, in the story of IN-N-Out Burger Vs. McDonalds we see how that commitment to tapping into self plays out.

Harry and Esther Snyder, the founders of In-N-Out, were dedicated to great customer service. They understood clearly if that was truly to be a top priority, it would require happy, well-compensated employees who stayed on the team and bought into the vision of the company. Over these years, they have seen and continue to see phenomenal growth.

McDonalds was built from the beginning to be fast, cheap, and everywhere.  Automation, minimum wage, and successful franchising were the answers and produced phenomenal success that reflects their original goal.

You see, as much as I dislike McDonalds because of how I feel after I eat it, there is nothing wrong with their model.

It’s a model built by people who believed in the worthiness of that model.

A model that was always true for them and became true for the world.

So, where does our ethical obligation to the world come in, one might ask?

Well, that’s only answered by tapping into Self.  Only you can decide what you feel your moral and ethical obligations are to the world you share community with.

Some people feel a great connection to others and some, honestly, don’t.  That’s okay.

Everyone doesn’t have to be a people person.

But if you’re not, are you being honest with yourself about that? Are you in a profession where that either won’t work against you or may even work for you? Are you being honest about the source of that and whether there’s anything in you that needs healing? Or is it just your personality type?

For me, I feel strongly about how my work impacts the people that it touches – from employees and contractors to vendors, clients, and their customers/clients.

Knowing that helps me make decisions about which corners I will or won’t cut, who I will or won’t work with and what projects are a fit or not for my business.

I also know that I don’t really want to work with a lot of people on an every-day-of-our-lives basis.  As an empath and an introvert that can be a very draining life for me to maintain.

A third (and 4th) high priority goal I have for my business is to make a certain amount of money and live a certain lifestyle.

That’s an okay part of what I want from my business activities. It’s also okay if it’s not your goal.

The key is being honest with yourself so that what you build is the most authentic expression of you, even within the constraints of factors you can’t control.

So, back to this “customer is always right” dilemma. true or false?

True. But YOU should pick your customer and you should determine what the (multiple) acceptable options are based on what you truly want, not what is expected, easy, or most comfortable.

LET the customer be right by creating an environment that is structured enough to guide them, flexible enough to include them, and strong enough to be successful for the long run because it’s built on you having tapped into your true self when you built it.

Self is just one of the 10 Hart Habits™ I use to advise clients of Infused Operations, and it’s key to a love-infused life and business.

Want to see if we can help you and your business?  Schedule a Free, no-obligation call with us today and let’s discuss what in your business is stressing you out right now.

*Obviously, I’m never referring to activities or behaviors that would infringe on the rights of others.

How to Get Hope Back In to Your Operations

How to Get Hope Back In to Your Operations

I wrote a few weeks ago about the Nike campaign with Colin Kaepernick and several other hope-inspiring athletes.

As I expected, their stock has soared AND typical information about who Nike contributes to politically is the biggest and best news of the week.  Hint: it wasn’t who some people THOUGHT they should contribute to, but it’s exactly what I expected to see.

So, there I was talking about tapping into the feeling of hope that your clients and customers are longing to feel as a marketing strategy,  but what about YOUR hope as a human and as a business owner?

How do you hang on to hope for your life and business when it feels like everything is crashing down around you?

When you know you have payroll to pay and not even close to the funds you need to pay it or you know your business is losing money every month but you’re ignoring it because it’s happening on credit? What do you do then?

It’s a struggle I’ve personally dealt with many times over the years and I’m certainly not going to sit here and pretend I’m an expert at this.

That being said, the fact that I’ve struggled with it means I’ve spent a lot of time and energy trying to find solutions for it (that’s my INTJ coming out!).

I’ve also spent a lot of time advising clients through times like this successfully and there are a few practical, simple keys to restoring/reviving/renewing your hope for your future.

  1.  Find someone around you who is generally positive and hopeful and keep them on speed dial.  There will be times when you need to tap into a different perspective than the one you may feel you’re drowning in at the time.  Remember they will also need some injections of positivity or something from you at times too – reciprocity has it’s own benefits in fighting hopelessness.
  2. Think about and WRITE DOWN what you really want.  I like to lead my clients through an exercise I call the Dream Stream (thank you to help them clarify what that is right now.  It can change from time to time in life and sometimes we forget to re-evaluate what we’ve already accomplished and whether there should be some course adjustment now.  There are no wrong dreams or wrong course adjustments.
  3. Take the biggest desires from your dream stream and working backwards from the dream, think about what small steps can you take today, this week, this month, this year to begin to move intentionally towards them and start to take those steps. “Just do it” as Nike would say.
  4. If you find it difficult to get your thoughts going in a different direction from the troubles, try an exercise I call Top 5 Thoughts.  What are the top 5 things going through your head on a regular basis? Write them down and then dig into them deeper.  Are they really true or do they stem from fears and doubts you’re holding on to?  Then, write down 5 new perspectives on those thoughts that reinforce the goals you clarified in your dream stream and when you hear yourself saying the first set of thoughts, attempt to intentionally replace them with the second set.
  5. Finally, understand that hopelessness, despair, and depression can hit any one of us at any time for a number of different reasons and it’s human.  There is nothing to be ashamed of and you are worthy of getting the help you need when that’s what you’re going through.  Whether it’s personal or business matters that have you feeling hopeless, the Suicide Prevention Hotline has people ready and waiting for you to reach out by phone at 800-273-TALK or by text (in case you don’t really want to talk) at 741741.


How do you deal with hopelessness in your life? Leave me a comment and let me know your favorite resources on this topic.

Hope is just one of the 10 Hart Habits™ I use to advise clients of Infused Operations, and it’s key to a love-infused life and business.

Want to see if we can help you and your business?  Schedule a Free, no-obligation call with us today and let’s discuss what in your business is keeping you awake at night right now.

What Nike Gets About Why Hope Matters in Business

What Nike Gets About Why Hope Matters in Business

This week, Nike released it’s newest ad campaign featuring some of today’s most controversial and perhaps, hope-inspiring athletes.

The ads stirred up all kinds of feelings in people, from admiration for Nike to people burning their old, stanky shoes.  No matter what side people fall on, Nike has certainly hit the big news this week and I’m sure they’re not mad.

Their marketing campaign highlights important lessons for the love-infused business.

  1. HOPE is KEY – Everyone wants to believe that the impossible can be achieved or that monumental challenges can be overcome. And they can. But much of the world we live in is hell-bent on telling them that’s not true.  A love-infused business understands the emotional buy-in we have when we believe there is hope.
  2. Nike doesn’t make emotional decisions. Neither should you. However, there is definitely something to be said for emotional intelligence and using it to really meet the wants and needs of your customers.  Nike doesn’t care about Kaepernick or his protest.  Nike cares about profits (at the bottom line).  BUT, Nike also cares about its customers (who are the source of profits) and Nike knows that its core base of customers not only agree with Kaepernick’s protest, but are personally affected by the thing he’s protesting.  Customers are UP IN THEIR FEELINGS about him, the NFL, the president, etc.  And Nike is listening. As they should.  Their customers’ feelings MATTER.
  3. Nike also doesn’t make quick, uninformed decisions.  They let their data tell the story and guide their marketing and business strategy.  Nike isn’t guessing that their customer base will like this current ad campaign.  They KNOW it. Because they have been doing their homework, their market research, they have been planning this campaign for a long time, likely since the protest started.  Every detail of how this campaign came out and all the pre-emptory hype around outfits Serena Williams (GOAT, btw) wears, etc. was planned from the beginning and is likely rolling out exactly as they hoped.  Maybe even better. I’m here for all of it, btw
  4. Nike is taking a stance.  By creating this campaign and using someone so hated by parts of our population, Nike really is taking a stance on behalf of it’s customers.  A love-infused business will not only listen to the hopes, dreams, fears, and expectations of its customers, it will also take a stance for them when it really matters.  This is different from choosing to merge your personal beliefs in with your business decisions.  It’s not about taking a stance for yourself, but rather using your platform to take a stance for your customers.  They don’t really care about your personal feelings (unless yours conflict with theirs), but they care alot about theirs.

It will be interesting to watch how this campaign and the strong message Nike has sent with it will translate over the course of the NFL season (Nike is the official apparel provider) and on into the future.  In the first day or two, there was a drop in Nike stock, but I won’t be surprised at all, when they come back and surpass anything they’ve done before with this campaign.  This isn’t the last you’ve seen of Colin Kaepernick or Nike and if you want to replicate this in your business, think about who your customers are and what is moving them to passion right now?

We Need the Data to Tell the Story

We Need the Data to Tell the Story

A love-infused business knows the power of storytelling in every aspect of their operations.

They also understand that the story comes from the data they use to tell it.

If you aren’t keeping good data in your business, you may have a hard time finding the right stories to draw your clients or employees in.

When the story you tell in your business reflects the data, the result is authenticity clients can feel.

My favorite part of a client journey is when I’ve pulled their data together and they finally see the story in hard numbers.

A businesses’ flow and strategy (operations) are reliant on good data and great ones also produce valuable data and stories for the future.

It’s almost always better than they thought (because I work with awesome people who are brilliant at what they do) and it makes the story suddenly easy to tell.

Story is how we connect with one another, but people can see a fairytale a mile off.

To be vulnerable, as Brene Brown would recommend, we have to be willing to look at the real truth and deal with whatever it may show.

No matter what it shows, it doesn’t affect your worth and your story is phenomenal simply because you are.  💚

If you need help finding the data to inform your decisions and help you tell your stories, book a call with me today.